Well, I figured my first blog could be about my favorite book, Have You Filled A Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. It's a great story to teach elementary age children about how we affect each other in our daily decisions. I use the book as part of my classroom management to keep my kiddos 'filling buckets' each day. Students are encouraged to write their peers and teachers 'bucket notes' with a thank you, compliment or encouraging message. I dedicated a huge bulletin board in my room to bucket filling because I think character education should be a big part of any classroom. Each student has their own tin bucket (thank you Target $1 section, I am obsessed with buying buckets) that they label with their name and decorate. The buckets in my picture are turned around to protect student names. I can't encourage teachers enough to go buy this book. It is fabulous! They also have a great website full of resources:
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